Newfoundland Regiment |
St. Johns Nfdland 12th Septr. 1780 Proposals for raising a Corps of Infantry in the Island of Newfoundland to strengthen the Garrison of St. Johns and the adjacent Posts. 1st That the Corps shall consist of Six Companies. Each Company three Serjeants, two Drummers, and Fifty Rank & File including two Non Effective. 2ndly The Corps to be commanded by one Lieutenant Colonel Commandt.- One Major- one Surgeon, one Surgeons Mate. 3rdly The Staff to Consist of One Chaplain, one Adjutant, one Quarter Mater, one Surgeon, one Surgeons Mate. 4thly The Corps to be raised in the Course of the ensuing fall & to be completed and fit for Service early next spring. 5thly All Recruiting expences to be defrayed by the Lieutenant Colonel, Government allowing a Guinea and a Crown only, for all recruits brought to Head Quarters and passed by the Governor. 6thly Arms, Drums, Colours &c usually furnished by Government, to New raised Corps- To be forwarded and provided early next spring. NB- There are Six hundred stand of Arms already in the Store at St. Johns fit for Service.
His Excellency Richard EDWARDS Esqr. Great Britain, Public Record Office, Colonial Officer, Class 194, Volume 35, pages 69-70. Click here for ---> Regimental History Main Page More Newfoundland Regiment History
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