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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Newfoundland Regiment
Edwards to Germain

London 6th December 1781

My Lord

Agreeable to His Majesty’s Orders, signified to me, by your Lordships Letter of the 16th of March last, I reduced the Officers of the Newfoundland Regiment to the number therein directed, and at the same time received the enclosed Memorial, which I promised to do myself the honor to lay before your Lordship, and which I now beg leave to recommend to your serious consideration.

I have already had the honour to inform your Lordship, that on my arrival in the Country, I found the Regiment compleated and (to the very great Credit of Colonel PRINGLE and his Officers) well diciplined, and I have the further satisfaction to assure you that I reviewed them with the rest of the Garrison, and found them equal, in almost every particular, to the regular Troops.

I embrace this opportunity to inform your Lordship that the Loyalty and attachment of the Inhabitants of Newfoundland (particularly those of St. Johns) to His Majesty’s Person and Government, is manifest in all their actions, and a body of the principal persons, who had Cloathed accoutred, and voluntarily put themselves under the Command of Mr. John LEVINGSTONE, for the purpose of joining the Kings Troops, in case of an attack, deserved to be particularly noticed.

I have the Honor to be
with great respect
My Lord
Your Lordships
Most Obedient
humble Servant

Rt. Honble Lord George GERMAIN

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Colonial Office, Class 194, Volume 35, pages 133-134.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 6/01/00

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