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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Monmouth County New Jersey Militia
Formation Orders

New Brunswick in New Jersey, 26th Feby. 77


It will give me great Pleasure to enable you to enter the County of Monmouth once more, all I can do at present is to give you Authority, which I chearfully do by a Commission which I enclose.

It will be very proper upon entering the County to Summon the Inhabitants without distinction to renew their Oath of Fidelity, and to form them into Companies for the purpose of expelling the Enemy and afterwards keeping the County, for which purpose, you are to take the whole Militia in turn, a third or fourth at a time, and the whole upon any Invasion, And you will be pleased to take these as orders.

I am Dr. Sr.
             Yours Sincerely
             Cortland SKINNER
             Major General &c.

   Col. Geo. TAYLOR

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Treasury, Class 1, Volume 634, folio 186.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 12/15/99

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