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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

King's American Dragoons
Orders to Disband

Township of Prince William
28th Septr. 1783.


In consequence of his Majestys Instructions to his Excellency the Commander in Chief, and the General Orders herewith transmitted, You are hereby directed to disband the Kings American Dragoons on the tenth Day of October Instant,

And you are to take particular Care that all the non-commission'd Officers and private Men are Clear'd with to that Time, and fourteen Days pay from the Time will be allow'd them, which you are also to deliver to each of them (without Deductions) agreable to the Instructions above referr'd to.

I am Sir
Your most Hble Servt.
H.E. FOX Br. Gl.

          Kings American Dragoons.

University of New Brunswick, Edward Winslow Papers, Volume 18, 1783, No. 106.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 12/15/99

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