Whether shall we apoint the Agent recommended by Lord Chas. to the Battn. or apoint one recommended by the Genl.
In our Opinion the Gover. as patronizing the Regt. has a right to the Compt. in every point of View.
R[ichard] F[rancis] O B[RIEN] Capt. |
Gid. WHITE Capt. |
R. F. BROWNING Capt. |
John McDONALD Ensign |
Jas. GRIFFIN Lt. |
Jno. CONNELL Lt. |
Jas. GORDON Lieut. |
Aw. CUNNINGHAM Captain |
John LINDSEY Ens. |
John CAMERON Lt. |
[on reverse]
A memorandum of different articles wanted.
1 Deep sea lead and line
1 Logneel and ditto line
sail needles and twine
Fishing hooks and lines
2 Marling spikes some lamp black
2 Bucketts and some bowls or platters
1 Hand Pump 1 Frying Pan
1 Iron laddle and Cooks Ax
2 Lanthorns 1 Map for the Cabin
[3 lines illegible]
3 Setts of Luff tackles Block
6 small do. for Brace blocks &c.
Bed Paint
2 [illegible] of Oil
Coffee & Sugar
Public Archives of Nova Scotia, White Collection, MG 1, Vol. 948, folio 249.

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Updated 4/01/00
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