A State of the Magazine at Lloyds Neck the 25th June 1781
Two four pounders
Fifty Nine four pound paper Cartriges
Twenty Flanin four pound do
Fifty one Flanin three pound do
sixty four four pound shott
Thirty Nine four pound Canister shott
Thirty Wooden headed three pound shott
Twenty three pound canister do
One hundred and four swivel do
One Box Grape do
One hundred & four wads
Three dozen Port Fires
Two port Fire Boxes
Four Spunges
Two worms
Two spoons
Two Powder Horns & Prickers
Two do Bags
Two Oyl Cloaths
Two Boxes Musket balls Quantity Four thousand six hundred
six Casks Musket Cartriges Quantity seven thousand Nine hundred & Eighty
Received of Colonel LUDLOW the Fortifications, store & Hutts at Lloyds Neck likewise the Cannon & Warlike stores as P the above Inventory.
Joshua UPHAM Lt. Col. Commandant
of Lloyd’s Neck
University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Sir Henry Clinton Papers, Volume 160, item 26.

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