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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

South Carolina Militia
William Young's Troop


No. 137 Major William YOUNG’s Troop of Militia Dragoons

We the subscribers Officers & Privates of Major William YOUNG’s Troop of Militia Dragoons, have received in Charlestown by order of Lt. General LESLIE, of Robert GRAY P.M.M. the sums annexed to our respective Names in the right hand Column below upon the Dates prefixed thereto, having also signed a duplicate hereof the same being for the several periods affixed to our Names, as per Abstract No. 137.

Periods Inclusive
Dates Names & Ranks From To Subscriber’s Names
1782 1 Major
June 28 William YOUNG 8 April 8 July 1782 A For W.Y.
  James SHARP Capt.
1 Captain
         “ James ROBINS    “    “ Jas. ROBINS Capt.
1 Lieutenant
         “ Joseph ROBINS    “    “ Joseph ROBINS Lutn.
1 Ensign
         “ Isaac MILLS    “    “ Isaac MILLS
2 Serjeants
         “ Robert ALEXANDER    “    “ Robert ALEXANDER
         “ William GRIFFIN    “    “ William GRIFFIN
39 Privates
         “ William ARTHIS    “    “ William ARTER
         “ Sherwood ALLEN    “    “ A For S.A.
  Jas. ROBINS Capt.
Septr. 18 John BURNEY    “    “ John BURNEY
June 28 Thomas BATES    “    “ Thomas x BATES
         “ Richard BROCK    “    “ Richard x BROCK
         “ John BRYSON    “    “ John BRYON
June 28 William BATTLES    “    “ William x BATTLES
         “ Sampson BANYEAN    “    “ Sampson x BANYEAN
         “ Catlet CORLEY    “    “ Catlet x CORLEY
         “ Benjamin CONNEL    “    “ Benjamin x CONNEL
         “ John CONNEL    “    “ John x CONNEL
         “ Joseph CONNEL    “    “ Joseph x CONNEL
         “ Hugh CARSON    “    “ Hugh x CARSON
         “ Jesse DAVIS    “    “ Jesse x DAVIS
         “ Isaac EVANS    “    “ Isaac x EVANS
         “ Robert HOOD    “    “ Robert x HOOD
Septr. 18 John JOHNS    “    “ John JOHNS
June 28 George KING    “    “ George KING
         “ George HENSON    “    “ George x HENSON
         “ Thomas MASH    “    “ A For T.M.
  Jas. ROBINS Capt.
June 28 William MORGAN    “    “ William MORGIN
         “ Joseph MOORE    “    “ Joseph MOORE
         “ Stephen MILLS    “    “ A For S.M.
  Jas. ROBINS Capt.
         “ Curtis Mills    “    “ Curts x MILLS
         “ George McKENZY    “    “ George MACKINSY
         “ Aaron MILLS    “    “ Aaron MILLS
         “ Beamon SUTTON    “    “ Beamon x SUTTON
         “ Alexander SIMPSON    “    “ Alexander Simpson
         “ Robert SIMPSON    “    “ Robt. SIMPSON
         “ James SIMPSON    “    “ James SIMPSON
         “ George STACEY    “    “ George STACEY
William THOMAS    “    “ William x THOMAS
Octr. 2 Elisha TYLER    “    “ Elisha x TYLER
June 28 Thomas TURK    “    “ Thomas x TURK
Hopkin WILLIAMS    “    “ Hopkin WILLIAMS
Joshua WASHAM    “    “ Joshua WASHAM
James WARD    “    “ James x WARD
John WELLS    “    “ John WELLS
James WATSON    “    “ James WATSON
A Per Order

   Truly made out from Abstract No. 137 but in this the
Names are inserted alphabetically.

Robert GRAY P M M

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Treasury, Class 50, Volume 1, folio 10.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 2/01/01

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