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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

South Carolina Militia
William Vernon Turner's Regiment


No. 159 Camden, Rocky Mount Regiment of Militia Col. Willm. Vernon TURNER.

We the subscribers Officers & Privates of Col. William Vernon TURNER’s Regiment of Camden Rocky Mount Militia, have received in Charles Town by order of Lt. General LESLIE, of Robert GRAY P.M.M. the Sums annexed to our respective Names in the right hand Column below upon the dates prefixed thereto, having also Signed a duplicate hereof, the same being our pay for Six Months duty agreeable to Lord CORNWALLIS’s regulations, in lieu of all Services in the Back Country.

Periods Inclusive
Dates Names & Ranks From To Subscriber’s Names
1782 1 Colonel
Septr. 16 William Vernon
13 June 14 Decr. 1780 W.V. TURNER Col.
1 Major
          30 John OWENS    “    “ B For J.O.
  John DAVIS & C
1 Captain
Septr.   9 William BALLENTINE    “    “ William BALLINTIN
1 Lieutenant
          10 *John DOWRY 14 Octobr.    “ Jno. DOWNEY
1 Serjeant
          14 Gasper ROGERS 13 June    “ For my Sick Father
  Andrew ROGERS
          18 George SMITH    “    “ A For G.S.
  William SMITH
Joseph HELMS    “    “ gone to the Country
Marbery HELMS    “    “ Mayberry x HELMS
         “ William SMITH    “    “ William SMITH
         “ Andrew ROGERS    “    “ Andrew RODGERS
         “ William HIGGINS    “    “ William HIGGINS
         “ William PEARSONS    “    “ William x PEARSON
         “ Joseph BURFRAM    “    “ Joseph BURCLEVE
George TIDWELL    “    “ gone to the Country
          14 Daniel SHOEMAKER    “    “ Daniel SHOEMAKER
         “ George KING    “    “ George x KING
         “ Shugar KING    “    “ Sugar x KING
         “ John KING    “    “ John x KING
         “ Sterling KING    “    “ Sterling x King
         “ Rosbery KING    “    “ Rasberry x KING
          13 John GOODRUM    “    “ John x GOODRUM
          18 Daniel HOFFMAN 13 June 14 Decr. 1780 Daniel x HUFFMAN
A Per Order
B Per order of the General, folded up with the Abstract
C do of the Commandant do

A copy of Abstract No. 159

Robert GRAY P M M

*For his other four months pay see Abstract No. 105

Robert GRAY P M M

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Treasury, Class 50, Volume 1, folio 23.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 2/01/01

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