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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Claims and Memorials
Sherwood to Stevens

Copy of Capt. SHERWOODs letter on Service

L: Block House 8th Feby. 1782.


I have your letter of the 5th & I have now the pleasure to acquaint you that his Excellency has signified to me by express his Approbation of your plan for procuring intelligence by your B覧 and assures me he shall not have any ocation to be in the least dread of the Indians.

You値 please to make yourself ready to meet him as agreed, you will take such men with you as you Chuse, as you are the best Judge what time to set off, please to let me know, and I shall have every thing to equip you at this post, for you must not on any account whatever bring equipment from St. Johns, nor let it be known to any person whatever, except to Col. ST. LEGER and Doctor SMYTH that you are going on a Scout, even your own men must think they are coming to keep Garrison at this post with you.

Pray Consider how much depends on profound Secrecy, if you want money apply to Docr. SMYTH for 」 20, or as much less as will do. Shew this letter to the Col. & the Docr.

I am Sir, your most humble Servant,

Copy Signed     J SHERWOOD


Great Britain, Public Record Office, War Office, Class 13, Volume 59, folio 277.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 8/01/00

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