Estimate of the Losses sustain’d by Shedrick FERMAN a Free Black Man, during the late Rebellion in North America, on Account of His Loyalty to His Majesty, and Attachment to the British Government Vizt.
1780 |
Virginia Currency |
1 log House 15 by 12 lathed & Duff tail’d & felled, in Ackamac County in Virginia burnt by the Rebels |
15. 0. 0. |
1 log House 15 by 12, let in Cradock Neck, Ackamac County in Virginia burnt by the Rebels |
10. 0. 0. |
1 Shed in said County burnt by do. |
2. 10. 0. |
2 live feather Beds @ 5 £ P |
10. 0. 0. |
1 poultry do do |
1. 10. 0. |
2 Maple wood Bed Steads @ 12/ P |
1. 4. 0. |
3 Chests 30/ & 30 lb Spun & picked Cotton @ 15d P 37/6 |
3. 7. 6. |
15 barrels Indian Corn destroyed by the fire @ 10/ P |
7. 10. 0. |
3 Pots, 2 Washing Tubs, 2 Indian Meal Do. & 2 pails |
1. 7. 0. |
1 dozn. Pewter dishes & plates |
1. 0. 0. |
1 Stock Lock |
0. 2. 6. |
1 Pr. Women’s Shoes, & leather destroyed by the fire |
0. 15. [torn] |
1 Gum Wood Weaving Loom & harness’s do by do |
3. 0. 0. |
2½ bushels Black Eyed Peas @ 3/ P |
0. 7. 6. |
1 do & 3 peck Corn Beans @ 3/ P |
0. 5. 3. |
2 Snaffle Bridles & bits @ 5/ P |
0. 10. 0. |
4 Hoes, Grubbing & pleating @ 4/6 each |
0. 18. 0. |
2 Cockle Rakes @ 5/ each |
0. 10. 0. |
5,000 Fence Rails burn’t by the Rebels @ 2/6 P hundd. |
6. 5. 0. |
3 breeding Sows @ 30/ P |
4. 10. 0. |
28 Hogs @ 15/ P |
21. 0. 0. |
1 Breeding Mare |
15. 0. 0. |
1 do do |
10. 0. 0. |
One Heifer going on 3 years Old |
3. 0. 0. |
15 Turkeys @ 2/6 P |
1. 17. 6. |
20 Hens @ 1/ P |
1. 0. 0. |
500 lb of Cured Bacon @ 9d P |
18. 15. 0. |
1 Sail Boat |
2. 0. 0. |
5 barrels Corn taken by the Rebels, when I made my escape into the British Lines @ 15/ |
3. 15. 0. |
£ 146. 19. 3. |
Personally Appeared this first day of Octr. 1787 Shedrick FERMAN who being Duly Sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God did Depose and sware that the above is a Just State of his Losses.
Shedrick X FERMAN
Sworn before me this first
above mentioned year and Day.
Valentine NUTTER
Justice of the Peace
Personally appeared this Eleventh day of October 1787 William WILLIAMS who being duly Sworn on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God, did depose and Swear that the above Estimate of the Losses of Shadrick FERMAN are just and true, and that he veryly believe his losses to have been of a Considerable more Value.
Shelburne Octo. 11, 1787
Sworn before me
Justice of the Peace
Great Britain, Public Record Office, Audit Office, Class 13, Volume 29, folios 663–664.

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