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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Claims and Memorials
Memorial of William Hanscomb of South Carolina

Jamaica ss
To the Honourable Commissioner
Appointed by Act of Parliament For
Enquiring into the losses and Services of the
American loyalists.

The Memorial of William HANSCOMB


That your Memorialist is one of his Majestys loyal Subjects From South Carolina in North America Who On Account of [h]is attachment and Adhereance to British Government And Constatution on Endevering to Support the Same have Been Imprisoned By the rebles at different times for Supporting The British Prisoners

then Banished By the reble Governor raulence Lowances in the Year 1778 St. Eustatuis

from thence I Arrived Kingstone Jamaica 1779

from thence I proceeded To Savanah ware I joined the B[r]itish troops an Acted As A Captain [of] Pioneers at the Seige of Savanah

then I returned To Kingstone with the loss of al is property as will Moore fully Appear from the Annexed Estamate

Your memorialist Therefore prays this is Case may be taken into Consideration in Order your memorialist may enabled under Your report to receive Such Aid or releaf as is losses & Services may Be found to deserve

an Your Memorialist Shall for ever be in duty bound to pray


Kingston the
25th November

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Audit Office, Class 13, Volume 119, folio 403.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 2/01/01

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