Claims & Memorials |
To the Honorable Thomas DUNDASS, and Jeremiah PEMBERTON, Esqr. Commissioners appointed by the British Legislature to examine the claims of the Loyalists in Nova-Scotia &c. |
John RUGGLES late of Hardwicke in the County of Worcester, in his Majesty’s late Province of Massachusetts Bay Humbly Sheweth That in the month of April 1775; in concequence of his Loyalty to his Majesty, and attachment to the British Goverment: he was Obliged to leave his home: (where before the rebellion he had flattering expectations of a competency) and take refuge with his Majestys Army then at Boston and in the Autumn of that year had the honor of being Appointed Lieutenant in one of the Companies of Loyal Associated Volunteers, for his Majesty’s Service, in said Town. And there did his Duty, as such, ‘till the evacuation that took place, and from thence with the Army, came to Halifax and with the Army, went to Staten Island; and from thence to Long Island and there continued till a detachment of the Army took Post at Rhode island; and then did Duty there, as a volunteer in a Corps Commanded by Edward WINSLOW Esqr. Untill the evacuation of that place, at which time your Memorialist returned to Long Island, where remaining till the late peace took place. And in the Spring of 1783 came to Nova-Scotia where he has remained ever since, with his family, and in the Autum of the year 1783 hearing the Parliament had been Graciously pleased to appoint Commissioners to enquire into the losses & Services of all such persons as had Suffered in their rights properties and professions &c your Memorialist drew up a Schedule of his losses so far as he could then recollect and transmitted to Daniel OLIVER Esqr. then & still in England, who was better Acquainted with his circumstances, than any one that your memorialist could think of in England, and lest that should miscarry your Memorialist sent a Duplicate to be forwarded to the same Mr. OLIVER but unfortunately upon Enquiry cannot find that either have ever arrived at the Office of American claims, wherefore your memorialist humbly prays that the annexed Schedule may be received & be admitted to verify his claim in the same manner as tho’ one or other of his former Schedules had arrived in Season, together with the additional Articles which were Casually omitted in his former Schedule, and which is all he has to depend upon of his own for his future Subsistance excepting 800 Acres of Wilderness Land lately Granted him. And as in duty bound Shall pray
Great Britain, Public Record Office, Audit Office, Class 13, Volume 51, folios 352-353. Click here for ---> More Massachusetts & Maine Claims
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