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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Quarter Master General's Department
Return of Stores

A General Return of Stores in the Quarter Master General’s Department in the Kings Magazines at Quebec September 26th 1778.

19 Bales of Legging Cloath
8 Casks and Boxes for Trimming Ditto
10 Casks & Bales of Mittens, 297 pair loose
18 Butts of Garden Seeds full
19 Butts near empty
27 Cases with Arms out of which 30 have been issued
196 Kegs and Boxes of Shot for Ditto
1541 Pairs of Stockings
21 Snow Shovels
33 Casks & boxes of Shoe Soals
240 Pairs of Snow Shoes
39 Casks of Shoes Containing 5200
110 Falling Axes
2 Bales of Provision Tents 2 in each
4 Bundles of Poles for Ditto
1 Cask of Mallets and Pins for Do.
3 Cases of Oyl Cloaths, 20 in each
9 Cases of Shirting Linnen, Supposed to contain near 20,000 Yards
22 Barrels of Pitch
1 Barrel of Tar
1 Barrel of Rosin
10 Bundles of Matts
5 Bolts of Canvas
8 Casks of Nails
6 Camp Kettles

Militia Cloathing

23 Bales & Casks Containing 374 Suits
3 Bales Containing Thread Trimgs. and Sundry Remnants
2 Boxes of Trimmings
50 Hatts Serjeants

Provincial Cloathing

687 Suits of Cloathing
1377 Pairs of Mogasins
696 Pairs of Leggins made up
681 Hatts
35 Serjeants Suitts of Cloaths

    Dy: Qr: Mr: Genl.

Great Britain, British Library, Additional Manuscripts, No. 21,849, folios 18-19.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

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