Barrack Master General's Department |
To the Right Hon: Lord AMHERST, Commander in chief of his Majesty’s Forces, Lieut. General of the Ordnance &c &c &c. |
The Memorial of Wm. NISBETT, of the Island St. John, in the gulph of St. Lawrence Humbly Sheweth That on the 1st of July 1778, the time of the arrival of a corps of troops, ordered by Sir Henry CLINTON for the defence of the Island, your Memorialist was appointed Barrack Master, by Phillips CALLBECK Esqr., who was then Commr. in chief, or pro Governor thereof; which Office he has faithfully performed the duties of, since Official notice of this appointment was immediately after, transmitted to England, by Mr. CALLBECK, to be laid before the right Hon: Board of Ordnance, which notice your Memorialist since his arrival in November last, finds has miscarried. The wants which the Troops did & do still experience for almost every article of bedding, blankets, sheeting, utensils and candles (the particulars of which he has set forth, in an estimate laid before the Board of Ordnance) induced your Memorialist to apply to the Barrack Master General at New York, for his instructions upon that, & other parts of his duty, in June last; but he has not as yet, been favor’d with an answer: it also, oblig’d him to advance several sums of money, to make a temporary provision for them. The arrival of a Corps of two hundred Hessians on the Island, in October last, (put in there, on their passage to Quebeck, & which are to continue there during the winter, as by late letters from the Island, your Memort. has been informed; & also, that they have been provided for, in the best manner possible, by his Assistant Barrack Master,) evinces the necessary utility for the stores before mentioned, being order’d by Your Lordship, to be granted to your Memorialist. He has not receiv’d any part of his pay or allowances as Barrack Master, tho’ twenty months are now elapsed, nor does he know where to apply for the same, with propriety. This with the promises made him apply for, & obtain leave to come to England, in order to lay himself before your Lordship. This he now begs the honor of doing, in the most respectfull manner, with his humble prayer, that your Lordship will be so good to grant him your favor; that he may be plac’d on the Establishment of the Ordnance, or in any other manner redress’d, as may seem most meet.
[March 1780]
Great Britain, Public Record Office, War Office, Class 34, Volume 161, folio 26. Click here for ---> Civil Branches Main Page
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