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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Black Loyalists
Thomas Family

Permission is hereby given to the Bearer Phillis THOMAS a free Black Woman to go from hence to the Island of Jamaica or elsewhere at her own option.

Comr. of Claims

Charlestown 12 Octr. 1782

   All Concerned

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We do hereby Certify that the within mentioned Michael THOMAS is a free Negro together with his Wife and Children, as we have made proper and different Enquiries into the same and likewise have Enquired into the Character of said Negro Michael THOMAS who upon Enquiry finds him him [sic] to be a friend and Loyalist since the arrival of Col. CAMPBELL into Georgia and has been since in His Majesty's Employ. Given under our hands at Savannah this 24th July 1780--

Augustine PREVOST Gl.
Allured CLERK [sic] Lt. Coll.

Public Archives of Nova Scotia, RG 1, Volume 170, page 338.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
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Moving on: Black Loyalists in the Afro-Atlantic World
by John W. Pulis
