Black Loyalists |
We the Free Blacks of the Province of New Brunswick having receiv'd information by a Letter from the Reverend Mr. Joshua WEEKS; directed to the free Blacks of Brinley Town in Nova Scotia, That Charitable Collections have been made in England for the purpose of erecting and supporting free Schools, where the Children of free Blacks may be instructed without expence, in Lear[n]ing and Religion-- Being filled with gratitude to the said Charitable Society, and sensible of the great Blessings and benefits we shall experience by being brought from a state of Ignorance and darkness, to an enlightened understanding and a rectified Heart-- Do hereby solemnly and sacredly, bind ourselves each to the other; that we will to the best of our knowledge and Abilities strictly Adhere to the Rules and Regulations of the Episcopal Church of England as Establis'd by law. That as Christians we will be quiet and chaste in our demeanor; Peacable and Obedient to the ruling Powers; and submissive to all the dispensations of Providence-- And whereas we are sensible that it wou'd be to Our Advantage if our Affairs were to be transacted by One Person Nominated and Appointed to Act for and in behalf of the whole of us; in all matters both Civil and Religious-- We do by these Presents Nominate and Appoint Thomas PETERS, to be our Attorney for the Purpose aforesaid and do hereby Promise and engage to abide by, hold for firm and Effectual, and ratify all and whatsoever the said Thomas PETERS shall for us and in our behalf do in the Premises by Virtue hereof-- In Witness we have thereunto subscribed our Names
Simon X ADAM Public Archives of New Brunswick, New Brunswick Land Petitions, 1790, RS 108, Reel F1037. Click here for ---> Black Loyalists Main Page The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies |