This copy of the discharge paper of Alexander FORBUS (FORBES) of the 38th, or Staffordshire, Regiment was kindly donated for our use by Carol Vater, one of his descendants.

His MAJESTY'S 1st Staffordshire or 38th
Regiment of Foot, whereof Lieuten-
ant-General Sir ROBERT PIGOT, is Colonel. |
THIS is to Certify, That the Bearer hereof
Alexander FORBUS Private Soldier
in the above-said Regiment, hath served the Crown of
Great Britain honestly and faithfully, for the Space of
Five Years; Six Months but in
Consequence of His Majesty's Order, is hereby Dis-
charged, he having first received a full Account of all
his Pay, Arrears of Pay, and Cloathing, as appears
by his Receipt on the Back of this Discharge. |
Given under my Hand and the Seal of the
Regiment at New York
this Twenty fourth Day of October 1783.
In the absence of any officer
of the Regt Ol. DeLANCEY
Adjt. Gl.
I Do acknowledge to have received all
my Pay, Arrears of Pay, Cloathing,
and all other just Demands, from the
Time of my Inlisting to the Day of my
Discharge: As Witness my Hand, this
Twenty fourth Day of October 1783. |
Alexander FORBES
[illegible] Serjt.
[illegible] Serjeant |

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