The links on this page will take you to various articles, period papers and other records of the Loyal Refugee Volunteers.

Recruiting Notice, 1779
Cuyler to Ward, Notice to Halt Recruiting, 1780
Notice of Employment Opportunity Cutting Firewood, 1780
Orders for a Wood Cutting Expedition, 1780
Orders, Cuyler to Ward, 1780
Orders, Cuyler to Ward, to be Read at Parade, 1780
State of the Refugee Post, July, 1780
Report of Attack on Cuyler's Refugee Post, 1780
Names Killed & Wounded in Attack on Refugee Post, 1780
Approbation of the Commander in Chief, 1780
Robertson to Amherst re Attack on Block-House, 1780
Clinton to Germain re Attack on Block-House, 1780
DeLancey to Franklin, Concern Over Refugee Post, 1780
Franklin to Ward, Offer of Assistance, 1780
Franklin to DeLancey, Response to Concerns, 1780
DeLancey to Franklin, Commander in Chief's Opinion, 1780
Ward to Franklin, Accepting Offer of Assistance, 1780
Franklin to DeLancey, A Differing Opinion, 1780
DeLancey to Franklin, A Clarification, 1780
DeLancey to Franklin, Enclosing Engineer's Report, 1780
Engineer's Report on Refugee Post, 1780
DeLancey to Franklin, Concern Over Security, 1780
Address to Colonel Cuyler & His Response, 1781
Ward re Return of McMichael, 1781
Ward to DeLancey, Intelligence Regarding the Rebels, 1781
Excursion to Newark under Capt. Harding, 1781
Excursion to Newark under Major Ward, 1781
Excursion to Closter under Capt. Harding, 1781
Orders to Deliver Boat, 1781
Refugees Address to Prince William Henry, 1781
Response to Address to Prince William Henry, 1781
Rebel Orders to Attack Fort Slongo, New York, 1781
Rebel Attack on Fort Slongo, New York, 1781
Return of Prisoners, Ordnance, & Military Stores from Attack on Fort Slongo, New York, 1781
Attack on Loyal Refugee Post, 1782
Excursion to Bergen Neck, 1782

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