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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Supplies for Captain Sherwood's Company, Loyal Rangers, 1782


Sorel March 14th 1782.


   His Excellency the Commander in Chief is pleased to direct that the under mentioned articles may be delivered, from the Quarter Master General’s Store, to Ct. Sherwood early Tomorrow Morning.

                                    I am Sir
                                          Your most Obt. Huml. Servt.
                                                (signed) R[obert] M[athews]

Major Gamble
Dy. Qr. Mr. Genl.

40 Blanket Coats
40 Blankets
40 Tumplines
Cloath for 40 Waistcoats
60 Pr. Mocazons (including those delid. this Morng.)
40 Caps
40 Pr. Leggins
10 Hatchets
40 Haversacks
200 Wt. of Fuzee Balls

R Mathews.

Great Britain, British Library, Additional Manuscripts, No. 21848, folio 209.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
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