There are some excellent sites listed here. We hope that you will check them out!'s Homework Help, American History
The venerable site
Albany & Eastern New York Genealogy
A website designed to aid people doing genealogical research in Albany, NY and surrounding counties (Albany, Columbia, Rensselaer, Greene, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Montgomery, and a little of Herkimer Co, NY and Berkshire Co., MA).
A vast array of information on both sides of the American Revolution, but focusing primarily on the Rebels. This is an excellent site.
Bay of Quinte Branch of the United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada
One of the growing number of branches of the United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada to have its own website, this is one of the best, with many Loyalist related links and a list of Loyalist surnames from the Bay of Quinte area. Includes details for the upcoming June 17th, 2000 reenactment of the Loyalist Landing at Adolphustown.
British Isles Family History Society-U.S.A.
The Purposes of the British Isles Family History Society - U.S.A. are: To promote an interest in family history particularly relating to British Isles ancestry. The British Isles includes England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man. To encourage and educate members of the organization and the general public in British Isles family history through publications, lectures, consultations, etc. To facilitate the acquisition and exchange of family history research information. To maintain British Isles family history materials for the use of members and the general public.
Canadian Genealogy & History Links
One of the oldest and most comprehensive sites for Canadian genealogy and history links.
Continental Consulting
Military history of 18th & early 19th Century North America, research projects, educational programs, living history feature writer, reproduction clothing, and latest books from Philip Weaver, proprietor.
Cyndi's List
Probably the most extensive set of genealogical links on the internet. Not bad for history links either...
David Library of the American Revolution
A privately endowed, nonprofit foundation devoted to the study of American history circa 1750 to 1800.
A marvelous resource for genealogy, from beginner to advanced. You've got a friend in genealogy in DearMYRTLE!
Discovering Family Histories, Research Resources by Flo Day
A comprehensive list of history and genealogy links. This one is a must-see for genealogists!
Duels and Dueling on the Web
This site by Tim Spaulding provides a comprehensive and extensively annotated guide to some 175 sites about the sword and pistol dueling.
A site with over 14,000 resources for educators and students alike, including 7,000 lesson plans and 1,000 webquests.
Ford Genealogy Club
A dandy collection of genealogy links brought to you by the folks at Ford (yes, as in automobiles...!)
German-Canadian Museum of Applied History
The goal of this organization and web-site is to show the important role the Brunswick soldiers played in North-American history. A commemorative unit was created in 1985 when His Royal Highness, Ernst August, Duke of Cumber-land, Prince of Hanover, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, gave permission to reform the old Brunswick Light Infantry Battalion "von Barner". Includes an interesting mix of living history and genealogy.
Fort Klock Historic Restoration
A website in support of the restoration of historic Fort Klock near St. Johnsville, NY. Includes a wealth of downloadable information about the site itself, events in and around the Mohawk Valley during the Revolution, and numerous family papers and genealogies.
Glen & Georgeanne Valis' Historical Links
Glen and Georgeanne's site contains some good links to the history of the American Revolution in New Jersey.
Guysboro Township at Port Mouton
An entire section on Banastre Tarleton and the British Legion!
Hamilton, Ontario Branch of the United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada
A brand new entry from the UELAC. Includes a list of Loyalist ancestors of branch members, as well as links to many area of historical interest in and around Hamilton.
Historical Miniatures Gaming Society, Eastern Chapter
The HMGS is an educational society created specifically to promote the study of military history through the medium of miniature gaming.
History at Home: A Guide to Genealogy
A wealth of links to genealogical resources.
History House
A delightful site. In their own words... "History House offers history as it should be taught: travails of everyday citizens, salacious doings in times of higher morals, stumbling ignorance of powerful sovereigns, and surprising stories about people no smarter or dumber than we are."
A guide to sites dealing with the 18th Century.
Just Genealogy
For genealogists, young, old, experienced, or newcomer.
The Meadows Foundation
Located in Somerset, New Jersey, The Meadows Foundation oversees six historic properties.
Nassau County History
A comprehensive site devoted to the history and genealogy of Nassau County, New York.
Many, many links dealing with wars of all varieties (in French).
New Brunswick Genealogy Links
The official links site for the New Brunswick GenWeb, with thousands of links from which to choose.
The New York American Revolution Roundtable
A group, united for over forty years by a common interest, devoted to the discussion and study of the American Revolution in a social setting.
Oatmeal for the Foxhounds
In the site's own words..."a friendly establishment dedicated to the memory of General Sir Banastre Tarleton, dashing cavalryman, radical politician, ladies' man, and all-around party animal."
The Olive Tree Genealogy
Probably the premier genealogy site for Upper Canada (now Ontario) genealogy. Covers a lot of ground for Dutch, Loyalist, Huguenot and Mohawk ancestors too!
The Ontario County Department of Records, Archives, and Information Management Services
For Ontario County, New York. The name says it all!
People of Colonial Albany Live Here Website
Access to the people of colonial Albany and their world. A most interesting collection of resources on colonial Albany!
Peterson Reproductions
All manner of fun things for genealogists from Bev (Trew) Peterson!
The Philadelphia American Revolution Roundtable
The American Revolution Round Table of Philadelphia brings together a diverse group of people united by a common interest in the American Revolutionary Era to hear interesting speakers on the era.
Plum Digital
A site created by Sandra Ragan, senior designer and owner of plum grafik visual communications, and clearly a genealogy buff!
Raynham Hall Museum
Raynham Hall is a twenty-room house museum in Oyster Bay, Long Island, NY that served as headquarters for Lt. Col. Simcoe and the Queen's Rangers during the winter of 1778-1779.
Remembering Black Loyalists - Black Communities in Nova Scotia
A section of the Nova Scotia Museum devoted to the communities of Birchtown and Tracadie.
Roots-L New Jersey
Rootsweb's guide to genealogy in New Jersey.
Rootsweb's Guide to Tracing Family Trees, No. 14 - American Military Records
Written and compiled by Julia M. Case, Myra Vanderpool Gormley & Rhonda McClure, this site is one in a series of guides for tracing your family tree.
Ruddle's and Martin's Forts
Dedicated to the research of two early Kentucky settlements, Ruddle's and Martin's Forts, which were taken by the British expeditionary force led by Captain Henry Bird on June 24, 1780.
The Silver Whistle
A self-described "care-home for Lobsters - 18c redcoats - those neglected combatants of the American War!" Includes a very nice selection of 18th Century songs, plus biographical information on numerous Scottish heroes of the war, most notably Patrick Ferguson.
South Carolina Loyalists
Technically, not a reciprocal link, but an excellent page put together by our friend, Jerry Braddock, Sr. listing South Carolinians who were loyal to Great Britain during the the American Revolution.
Statos' Realm of Avion
A site from a young woman with a diverse range of interests, one of which is the American Revolution. She describes her favorite links as sites that "kick some serious tail," which may be one of the nicest compliments we have ever been paid!
United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada
Vision Statement: To enrich the lives of Canadians through knowledge of the past, in particular the history of the United Empire Loyalists and their contribution to development of Canada.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted
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