Lieut. Colonel Commandant GOREHAM of the Royal Fensible American Regiment, Complaint or Crime Exhibited against Major Thomas BATT of the same Regiment, Vizt-
1st Article-
For ungentleman and unsoldierlike behaviour in exhibiting several false Groundless, and Scandelous Informations Contained in a letter, dated 10th July 1777 to Lieut. Col. PATTERSON Adjutant General, against Lieut. Colonel GOREHAM, highly Prejudicial, to his Character and to His Majestys Service.
2d Article-
For renewing, and Publishing, at Fort Cumberland in hand bills and otherwise in the Garrison and among the Inhabitants, some of those Articles of Complaint, which he had before Exhibited, against Lieut. Colonel GOREHAM, and for which he had been tryed, and honorably acquitted, and thereby, disobeying General Orders.
3d Article-
For repeatedly acting unbecoming the Character of an Officer, and a Gentleman, and using Expressions tending to Excite Mutiny, and Sedition in the Garrison.
Jos. GOREHAM Lt. Col.
Commdt. R F A
Great Britain, Public Record Office, Headquarters Papers of the British Army in America, PRO 30/55/2829.

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