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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Loyal American Regiment
Declaration of John Segee

The declaration of John SEGEE a Soldiers Son in the Loyal Amn Regt who lost one of his Arms by Accident when he was a Boy of about 12 Yrs old.

That on the 23d April [1783], in North Castle, he met with a Charles Ward & three other men who were Strangers to him.

They asked him where he was from, he answered from Long Island.

They asked him where he was going he told them to see his friends in Bedford; on hearing of which they drew their Swords, and declared with an oath, if he did not return, they would cut his head off.

He says that he returned with them, and declares that they flogged him the whole way from North Castle, to the White Plains.

That at the White Plains they cut his hair, and Asked him whether he would retire within the British lines if he was set at Liberty;

on his Answering, yes, Ward gave him between twenty & Thirty Strokes with his cane, and told him to go about his Bussiness, and let his friends on Long Island know, that every Rascal of them that Attempted to come among them would meet with the like treatment.

3d May 1783

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Headquarters Papers of the British Army in America, PRO 30/55/7623, page 4.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
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