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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
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Loyalist Muster Rolls
Adams' Corps of Royalists

This was indeed the smallest of the different “Royalist” units raised during the Burgoyne Campaign of 1777. It consisted of but one company, divided into two divisions of sorts— one of Rangers, the other of Batteaumen.

After that ill-fated campaign the unit lingered in limbo as the other non-provincials did, doing garrison duty, manual labor, or getting leave to join other units who had a better chance of seeing combat. The remnants of the group became a part of the late Major McAlpin’s Corps of Royalists in October of 1780.

There are a few rolls around for this group, about the same number of musters as the other Royalist units around them. They may be found in two places, as part of two collections in England.

A few may be found in the Public Record Office, War Office, Class 28, Volumes 4 & 10, and the others in the British Museum as part of the Additional Manuscripts (commonly referred to as the Haldimand Papers), No. 21,827.

Both collections are on microfilm and available in both the United States and Canada.

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Adams' Corps of Royalists Muster Rolls

     Bullet  Captain Samuel Adams' Company, 23 January 1778

     Bullet  Return of Men, Women & Children, 10 August, 1780

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 2/01/01

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