Muster Roll of Major John ANTILL’s Company in His Majesty’s 2nd Battn. of New Jersey Volunteers, commanded by Lt. Col. John MORRIS Attached to the Brigade of Royal Artillery.
New York July 1778
Major John ANTILL |
Lieutenant George LAMBERT |
Chaplain Nicholas [sic- John] Hy. ROWLAND |
Adjutant Thomas Tomlins PRICHARD |
Quarter Master George LAMBERT |
Surgeon Charles EARLE |
Surgeon’s Mate James BOGGS |
Sgt Timothy MOUNT |
Sgt David ROUSE |
At Kingsbridge |
Sgt James TAYLOR |
Cpl Randle ELSLEY |
with 1st Brigade Infantry |
Drummer Frederick DUMPLER |
Cornelius WARDLE |
at Sandy Hook |
Joseph MAXSON |
with 1st Brigade |
Robert MOORE |
at Brooklin |
William FOWLER |
on Detachment |
at Kingsbridge |
Michael DULANY |
with 1st Brigade |
Elisha McCAPE |
with 3rd Brigade |
Samuel HUGHES |
with 1st Brigade |
Henry HUFF |
12 April 1778 |
On Detachment |
John DYKE |
do |
at Kingsbridge |
do |
In Hospital |
Francis Peter VIGERT |
do |
On Detachment |
George FADDLE |
do |
at Kingsbridge |
with 1st Brigade |
Daniel HANKINS |
12 April 1778 |
On Detachment |
William STEELE |
Henry TAYNER |
4 Jany. 1777 |
Thomas WHITE |
duty |
James TALMAN |
sick |
Henry SOUSER |
Henry REID |
John RONEY |
William ROGERS |
Taken Prisoner 28 June 1778 |
Benjamin VAN GORDON |
Dead 28 June 1778 |
Christian SANSIBAH |
Vincent SWIMS |
Taken Prisoner 26 June 1778 |
John BURKE |
do do |
Robert WILSON |
do do |
Richard MARGESON |
2 Jany. 1778 |
National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Volume 1854, page 20.

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