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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Claims and Memorials
Decision on the Claim of Samuel Burke of South Carolina

BURKE, Samuel  —  a Black  —  So. Carolina

1st Septemr. 1783

He is one of those who are joyned together in the Memorial drawn up by Col: FANNING, he was a Native of Charlestown & was freeborn

when the Rebellion broke out he was with Govr. BROWN in the Bahama Islands & was taken prisoner with him by Commodore Hopkins,

he had a little House & Garden at New York which he got by marriage with his Wife.

He had it but one Year when it was taken from him by the Deputy Barrack Master A Serjt. ORCHARD & he has never had any Payment for it.

Govr. BROWN is now at Greenwich & he knows him as he was his Servant.

There are no particular Certificates to this Man’s Case but he is desired to bring one from Govr. BROWN & Likewise if he can to procure one from Page the Deputy Barrack Master that he order’d this Mans House to be Seized by Serjt. ORCHARD for the use of the British Troops.

There is a Letter from Col: FANNING to Mr. ALLEN in which he speaks strongly of this Mans Zeal & Loyalty.

Very strong Certificates received from his Master, Govr. BROWN.

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Mr. BURKE  —  Entd.  —  Decision  —  £ 20 in full

This Man is one of those five Persons whose Cases are contained in the Memorial written by Colo. FANNING, which Circumstance alone gives some Credit to his Case, but that is much strengthened by a Letter from Colo. FANNING to Mr. ALLEN in which he speaks very strongly of this Mans Zeal & Loyalty.

There is likewise a very strong Certificate from Govr. BROWN all which Circumstances collectively justify us in distinguishing this Man & therefore we recommend the Sum of £ 20. to be given to him which we mean to be in full for all his Losses.

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Audit Office, Class 12, Volume 99, folio 357.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 2/01/01

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