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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

King's American Rangers
Capture of Brigadier General Wadsworth

February 17th, 1781

By a letter from a gentleman in Penobscot to his friend in this city, we learn, That Captain LONG, in the privateer schooner Argyll of that port, sailed from thence on the 15th of February, on the 17th in the evening they came to anchor about 4 miles distant from where Brigadier General Wadsworth had his Head Quarters, at Thomas Town, near Camden, Captin LONG, with 13 of his men landed; he and three staying behind to secure their boats in case of accident.

Lieutenant STOCKTON of the King’s Rangers, and Mr. M’NABB, a volunteer in the 74th regiment with 8 sailors, proceeded to Thomas Town, arrived about 12 o’clock at night, stormed the house in which the general was, and took him and 3 of his men prisoner, the rest (except some wounded, who were left behind) making their escape; they conveyed him safe on board the Argyll, and returned to Penobscot the 18th with their prisoners.

Three of Captain LONG’s sailors were wounded; the rebel general received a musket ball in his arm before he surrendered:

He was the Rebel Commander in Chief from Portsmouth, in New-Hampshire, and was second in command when the rebels attacked Penobscot, has been very active in persecuting the Loyalists, and lately had a poor man executed for piloting some prisoners through the woods.

We further learn that a number of the most persecuting rebels (one of them named Sullivan, brother to the general) have been lately carried off, and are now on board his Majesty’s ship Allegiance.

Royal Gazette, (New York), March 21st, 1781.

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