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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Post War Settlement
Carleton to Fox


New York 21st October 1783


I enclose You a copy of a letter from the deputy Inspector General of British American Forces, transmitting a Return of the Officers and men of the 2nd Battalion of DeLancey's, and the Maryland Loyalists, who were saved from the wreck of the Martha Transport:

his representation of their distressed Situation, induces me to deserve You will pay them one Muster's pay from the 25th October, and also the further sum of sixty pounds, which he mentions to have been expended by them for their preservation, and procuring conveyance to St. John's river-

He also mentions that he has bought a Bale of Blankets for them, which I request You will pay for, provided he has not drawn for the amount to be paid here.

I enclose also a Return of the Company of Black Pioneers, embarked for Annapolis Royal, they are paid up to the 24th October 1783, and as they are already considered as disbanded, they will have no Demands for Pay or Clothing after their arrival in that province.

I recommend them to your protection, and beg You will apply to Governor PARR, that in case they settle near any of the towns, they may have a Town Lot as at Shelburne, and about twenty acres in the vicinage, granted them; and if as farmers and at a distance, their Grant may be extended to one hundred acres.

I am, Sir,
Your most obedient and
most humble Servant

From the Narrative of Captain KENNEDY, You will perceive it is highly proper he should make a regular Protest against the Master of the Martha for the loss of that Ship, which I beg You will direct him to do, and You will transmit it to the Secretary at War, as it may be too late to send it here to the principal Agent of Transports.

Honble Brigr. Genl. FOX.

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Headquarters Papers of the British Army in America, PRO 30/55/9409.

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